The World Information Technology & Services Alliance has a new name: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance

Sep 14
Aug 28

MEDIA RELEASE January 27, 2022Contact: Dr. Jim Poisant. Mobile: +1 703 728-4547 E: Mr. Yannis Sirros. Mobile: +30 (6) 9 44 77 88 18 E: Yannis@WITSA.orgThe World Information Technology & Services Alliance has a new name:  The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance Fairfax, VA: The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, today announced that it has rebranded the organization to fully reflect the current state of digital transformation.The new name of WITSA, “The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance”, was adopted to ensure that WITSA will continue to be recognized as a relevant, evolving organization that represents the interests of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.“For WITSA to remain relevant it must transform itself along with nearly every other organization on earth,” stated WITSA Chairman Mr. Yannis Sirros. “If WITSA continued to associate itself only with the words: information technology, we would demonstrate to the world that we failed to recognize the world has not only changed, but it is also continually changing,” continued Mr. Sirros. “The world continues to transform with existing, and evolving technologies constantly converging. The world has grown out of the old IT model and is going global and digital. This has been clearly demonstrated during the Pandemic. Those organizations that don’t adapt, fail to exist”.“By embracing its new name, WITSA illustrates to the world that we are also evolving and transforming just like other organizations, governments, institutions and business entities around the globe. Representing most ICT companies, WITSA fully appreciates its place and importance in the Digital Age,” added WITSA’s Secretary General, Dr. Jim Poisant. Technology’s unprecedented pace of innovation calls for adaption and change,” continued Dr. Poisant. “By rebranding WITSA, we intend on continuing to evolve so we accurately represent the digital technology industry.” About WITSA: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in digital technology products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the digital technology industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members - ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States - to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit