Membership Services
WITSA members enjoy the following benefits:

Opportunities to form strategic and business relationships via meetings, signature events, multilateral trade visits and other WITSA activities

Opportunities to be represented in WITSA’s lobbying activities

Invitation to attend business networking activities organized by WITSA

Invitation to attend General Assembly meetings with voting rights

Invitation to attend quarterly Board of Director’s meeting

Eligible to bid for the licensing and hosting rights for WITSA’s signature event in your respective country

Eligible to nominate qualified candidates in your respective country for the Global Innovation and Tech Excellence Awards

Special discounts on delegate tickets at signature events

Knowledge sharing between different economies

Receive a gold frame membership certificate.
For a more extensive list of membership benefits, see the our
Why WITSA publication.
Statements and Resolutions
WITSA AI Declaration and AI Position Paper
Finance/Compensation Committee
Dr. Sean Seah
Chairman, Finance/Compensation
PIKOM, Malaysia
The Finance/Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing and providing guidance on the organization’s financial matters. Specifically, the committee provides a financial analysis of WITSA.
The committee will provide the WITSA Board of Directors narrative reports rather than the detailed statement of financial position.
Key responsibilities of the Finance Committee:
1. Provide direction to the WITSA Board for fiscal responsibility;
2. Work with the Secretary General and the WITSA chairman on strategic long-term planning and the development of strategies for WITSA‘s long-term financial sustainability;
3. Review WITSA’s revenue and expenditures, balance sheet, investments and other matters related to WITSA’s continued solvency;
4. Along with WITSA’s and Chairman and Secretary General, submit annual budget to the Board of Directors for approval;
5. Ensure the maintenance of an appropriate capital structure;
6. Oversee prudent management of investments and risk exposure;
7. Review consolidated variance reports monthly;
8. Develop an investment strategy, where necessary.
Finance/Compensation Committee
Dr. Sean Seah
Chairman, Finance/Compensation
PIKOM, Malaysia
The Finance/Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing and providing guidance on the organization’s financial matters. Specifically, the committee provides a financial analysis of WITSA.The committee will provide the WITSA Board of Directors narrative reports rather than the detailed statement of financial position.Key responsibilities of the Finance Committee:
1. Provide direction to the WITSA Board for fiscal responsibility;
2. Work with the Secretary General and the WITSA chairman on strategic long-term planning and the development of strategies for WITSA‘s long-term financial sustainability;
3. Review WITSA’s revenue and expenditures, balance sheet, investments and other matters related to WITSA’s continued solvency;
4. Along with WITSA’s and Chairman and Secretary General, submit annual budget to the Board of Directors for approval;
5. Ensure the maintenance of an appropriate capital structure;
6. Oversee prudent management of investments and risk exposure;
7. Review consolidated variance reports monthly;
8. Develop an investment strategy, where necessary.
Global Policy Action Committee

Mr. Edward Brzytwa
Chairman, Global Policy Action
Committee Vice President, Emerging Technology Policy
Consumer Technology Association (CTA)
As the voice of the digital tech industry, WITSA is increasingly assuming a leading advocacy role in the development of international public policy that affects the creation of a robust global tech infrastructure.WITSA strengthens the industry at large by promoting a fair trade environment. The public policy issues where WITSA is involved include:
1. Increasing competition through open markets and regulatory reform;
2. Protecting intellectual property;
3. Encouraging cross‐industry and government cooperation to enhance information security;
4. Bridging the education and skills gap;
5. Reducing tariff and non‐tariff trade barriers to ICT goods and services;6. Safeguarding the viability and growth of the Internet and electronic commerce.
WITSA also helps governments, institutions and multilateral organizations to understand future technology trends and to voice the concerns of the tech industry with regards to policies that affect industry interests. These organizations include the following:
AI Task Force

Robert Janssen
Chairman, AI Task Force
Chief Executive Officer
The task force is a part of WITSA’s Global Policy Action Committee.
The task force is responsible for formulating WITSA’s policy advocacy work relate to artificial intelligence.
Activities include:
1. Drafting WITSA’s AI policy papers and media releases;
2. Organizing WITSA Webinars on AI policy-oriented themes;
3. Informing members about important AI developments;
4. Issuing surveys and facilitating communication with members, including member activitiesand concerns related to AI policy;
5. Working with other organizations and stakeholders to facilitating commonapproaches to AI policy advocacy.
Education, Training & Human Resources Committee

Ahmed AL Hujairy
Chairman, Education, Training & Human Resources
BTECH, Bahrain
The Committee on Education, Training and Human Resources is responsible for:
1. Understanding the problems, issues and roadblocks contributing to the shortage of ICT workers as they relate to education and training;
2. Identifying programs, curriculum, best practices and other educational activities and initiatives that have proven successful in producing qualified ICT workers;
3. Researching the specific skills required by geographic regions and skill sets;
4. Evaluating opportunities for WITSA and its members to participate in related revenue-generation activities;
5. Identifying opportunities as they apply to addressing the problems of the ICT workers shortage;
Nominating Committee

Tarek M. Abdel Monem Taha
Chairman, Nominating Committee
6.2.4 Nominating Committee-The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee to receive recommendations for and to solicit candidates for election as Directors, shall determine the qualifications of each candidate, shall publicize its slate of qualified candidates to the entire Membership forty five (45) days prior to the General Assembly, and shall present its slate of candidates at the General Assembly upon the Chairman’s call for nomination of candidates to serve on the Board and as Chairman.
Additional nominations of candidates for directors may be made by any Member, provided such nominations are received by the Secretary General at least fifteen (15) days prior to the General Assembly, are seconded by another Member, and the nominee(s) meets the qualifications set forth below.
Nominations from the floor at a General Assembly shall not be permitted. Such elections shall be conducted consistent with this section and rules and procedures, as shall be approved and amendedfrom time to time by the Board and as administered by the CEO.
Business Development Committee

Mr. Nidal Bitar
Chairman, Business Development Committee
Chief Executive Officer
Int@j, Jordan
1. The Business Development Committee will work in close coordination with WITSA’s Chairman, Executive Committee, Secretariat and Finance Committee.
2. The BDC is responsible for working on and developing new streams of revenue such as regional events, new memberships, grants and supporting existing WITSA programs, to include WITSA’s World Congress on Innovation and Technology, educational offerings, WITSA’s Global Partnership programs and other related activities with the express purpose of sustaining existing sources of WITSA’s revenue and creating new revenue sources in the near- and long-term in order to ensure WITSA’s financial sustainability.
3. The committee will also be responsible for rolling out new revenue producing programs.
4. Committee members will serve as examples to other WITSA members by actively engaging in promoting and taking an active role in and supporting all WITSA’s programs, as applicable.
5. The committee will report its results to the full WITSA Board of Directors during each BOD meeting.
Global Policy Action Committee

Mr. Edward Brzytwa
Chairman, Global Policy Action
Committee Vice President, Emerging Technology Policy
Consumer Technology Association (CTA)
As the voice of the digital tech industry, WITSA is increasingly assuming a leading advocacy role in the development of international public policy that affects the creation of a robust global tech infrastructure.
WITSA strengthens the industry at large by promoting a fair trade environment. The public policy issues where WITSA is involved include:
1. Increasing competition through open markets and regulatory reform;
2. Protecting intellectual property;
3. Encouraging cross‐industry and government cooperation to enhance information security;
4. Bridging the education and skills gap;
5. Reducing tariff and non‐tariff trade barriers to ICT goods and services;
6. Safeguarding the viability and growth of the Internet and electronic commerce.
WITSA also helps governments, institutions and multilateral organizations to understand future technology trends and to voice the concerns of the tech industry with regards to policies that affect industry interests. These organizations include the following:
WITSA A.I. Task Force
The task force is a part of WITSA’s Global Policy Action Committee. The task force is responsible for formulating WITSA’s policy advocacy work relate to artificial intelligence.
Activities include:
1. Drafting WITSA’s AI policy papers and media releases;
2. Organizing WITSA Webinars on AI policy-oriented themes;
3. Informing members about important AI developments;
4. Issuing surveys and facilitating communication with members, including member activities and concerns related to AI policy;
5. Working with other organizations and stakeholders to facilitating common approaches to AI policy advocacy.
AI Task Force

Robert Janssen
Chairman, AI Task Force
Chief Executive Officer
The task force is a part of WITSA’s Global Policy Action Committee.
The task force is responsible for formulating WITSA’s policy advocacy work relate to artificial intelligence.
Activities include:
1. Drafting WITSA’s AI policy papers and media releases;
2. Organizing WITSA Webinars on AI policy-oriented themes;
3. Informing members about important AI developments;
4. Issuing surveys and facilitating communication with members, including member activities
and concerns related to AI policy;
5. Working with other organizations and stakeholders to facilitating common
approaches to AI policy advocacy.
Education, Training & Human Resources Committee

Ahmed AL Hujairy
Chairman, Education, Training & Human Resources
BTECH, Bahrain
The Committee on Education, Training and Human Resources is responsible for:
1. Understanding the problems, issues and roadblocks contributing to the shortage of ICT workers as they relate to education and training;
2. Identifying programs, curriculum, best practices and other educational activities and initiatives that have proven successful in producing qualified ICT workers;
3. Researching the specific skills required by geographic regions and skill sets;
4. Evaluating opportunities for WITSA and its members to participate in related revenue-generation activities;
5. Identifying opportunities as they apply to addressing the problems of the ICT workers shortage;
Nominating Committee

Tarek M. Abdel Monem Taha
Chairman, Nominating Committee
6.2.4 Nominating Committee-The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee to receive recommendations for and to solicit candidates for election as Directors, shall determine the qualifications of each candidate, shall publicize its slate of qualified candidates to the entire Membership forty five (45) days prior to the General Assembly, and shall present its slate of candidates at the General Assembly upon the Chairman’s call for nomination of candidates to serve on the Board and as Chairman.
Additional nominations of candidates for directors may be made by any Member, provided such nominations are received by the Secretary General at least fifteen (15) days prior to the General Assembly, are seconded by another Member, and the nominee(s) meets the qualifications set forth below.
Nominations from the floor at a General Assembly shall not be permitted. Such elections shall be conducted consistent with this section and rules and procedures, as shall be approved and amendedfrom time to time by the Board and as administered by the CEO.
Business Development Committee

Mr. Nidal Bitar
Chairman, Business Development Committee
Chief Executive Officer
Int@j, Jordan
1. The Business Development Committee will work in close coordination with WITSA’s Chairman, Executive Committee, Secretariat and Finance Committee.
2. The BDC is responsible for working on and developing new streams of revenue such as regional events, new memberships, grants and supporting existing WITSA programs, to include WITSA’s World Congress on Innovation and Technology, educational offerings, WITSA’s Global Partnership programs and other related activities with the express purpose of sustaining existing sources of WITSA’s revenue and creating new revenue sources in the near- and long-term in order to ensure WITSA’s financial sustainability.
3. The committee will also be responsible for rolling out new revenue producing programs.
4. Committee members will serve as examples to other WITSA members by actively engaging in promoting and taking an active role in and supporting all WITSA’s programs, as applicable.
5. The committee will report its results to the full WITSA Board of Directors during each BOD meeting.